Auz Billahi Mina Shaytaa nirajeem
Bismillahih Rahmaa ni’raheem
Assalaam Alaikum Wa rahmathullah Wa barakaathuhu?
It has being almost 60 days since I have taken bayyath (trough website) and practicing the daily adab and the zikrs. But still I don’t feel the connection with the Sheykh yet. I am trying to be very humble and very honest with myself and do as many zikr as I can daily. I am also trying to be very genuine with myself. Dear Sheykh please advice me and please help in connecting with the Sheikh. Also please pray for me.
Thank you very much
May Allah bless us all / JAZA ALALLAH KHAIR
wa `alaykum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakutuh,
It is one of Allah’s steadfast principles, imposed by Himself on Himself, Sunnatullah, that “whoever seeks diligently will find what he seeks.” Therefore don’t listen to Shaytan who comes at such moments to put doubts, but rather seek refuge in his evil whispers by repeating a`udhu billah mina ‘sh-shaytani ‘r-rajeem Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem and continue on this path, which is the easiest and most perfect path to the Truth. Thank Allah daily for guiding to this path and to your perfect master and shaykh and recite 100x times daily alhamdulillah wa ‘sh-shukru lillah.
To establish the connection with the Shaykh see the Post “how to make rabita”
Taher Siddiqui