Re: Joining Our Website


Can I Request That The Scholars On This Amazing Website Also Join Our Islamic Website?:

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About Us

The main objective of this site is to unite the ummah of Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him to follow the true path to Allah, which is the Ahl Sunnah wal Jama’a. The Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him is the shining sun and the ulema and shuyukh are the rays of it; our aim is for the general public to use this website as a platform to share valuable information on various matters of islam including interfaith dialogue, biographies of awliya Allah . A range of interactive facilities* such as video , photos sharing, forums and live chat are provided to achieve the best from this site to gain your knowledge and awareness of Ahl Sunnah wal Jama’a.

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wa `alaykum salam,

Jazakumullah khayral-jaza for your work in Allah’s Path and thanks for honoring us with your request. However, it is barely possible for our scholars and elders to keep up with the current inflow of posts on eShaykh, so in general they will not have time to work on additional sites.


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