Dear Maulana Shaykh,
With utmost loving respect,
I know that awliyaAllah and other special people sometimes can just look at a person and know everything about that person, e.g what sufferings they are currently undergoing, what their state of mind is or even what they are hiding, probably from themselves even.
I also know that the awliya can do this from not having ‘physically’ met the person, in other words from long distances or even email correspondence like I am doing now.
I am currently in my life facing a lot of troubles from all angles, worldly, as well as probably what has accrued through my own sins and listening to my nafs.
I humbly request if you could advise me any piece of advice that I could listen to to take me through this period and guide both myself and my family to more easier times.
wa `alaykum salam,
Yes, awliyaullah, especially high-level ones like your mashaykh, can see their murids’ problems and difficulties and intercede for them through their du`a and their spiritual support (madad). Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani recommends Recitation for Elimination of Problems, for difficulties. Insha-Allah that will relieve you of all your issues.
Taher Siddiqui