Dream: Hair of Maulana Sheikh Nazim


Assalamu Alaykum

I remember in a recent dream I was given the hair from Sayyidi Wa Murshidi Maulana Sheikh Nazim (q), the hair was grey in colour quite long (it was their blessed beard hair), the hair was hard, it felt like it was the texture or rice / spaghetti (i.e was rigid and hard), however it was a hair in a grey colour. I remember being surrounded by people (murids) and they were watching me hold this hair in my right hand and walk throght these people. Dream then ends.

Please can you interperate for me – JazakAllah Khair.


wa `alaykum salam,

Receiving the hair of the Shaykh in your dream, means you are receiving his barakah and his light. The people around you will also benefit from this gift.

Ali Elsayed

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