Physician requires Wazeefa for Decreasing Sleep


Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
I am a 25 yr old male physician who is studying to get into a competitive residency. I am a Mureed in the silsila of Imam Ahmad Raza Barelvi of India. I have problem with excessive sleep. According to the demands of my medical studies and the interest I have in Islam especially Tasawwuf I need to be awake more time, in order to spend more time in these endeavors. So, I need to sleep less. I have asked my Shaykh about this. He has instructed me to begin with eating less. I keep falling back even with this challenge. I also request Shaykh Hisham to pray for me. I request you to kindly prescribe me a wazeefa for decreasing sleep. I believe this will help me apart from following the advice given by my Shaykh.


Wa `alaykum salam,

You may try this method to wake up.  Also, please watch this suhbat and take the advice given by Shaykh Hisham Kabbani:

Allah’s Descending of Bismillah Ascends us to His Mercy

[“About Sleeping Less“]


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