Assalam u alayekum ya Syyedi ya Sheikh Hisham
Since I find it difficult to read it once completely without any break, I do zikr of Allah, Allah 1500 times, Salawaat ash’ sharifa for that day at some other time. Usually immediately after that I read Sura Ikhlas 100 times. In the end I do the award with (Shahadaa, Astaghfaar, Aamanarr Rasul, Alam Nashrah,………..,Sura e Fatiha). While doing this award I keep the order of each sura and shahaada etc as mentioned to me.
Is it permissible to me practice it in such a way?
Also tell me something to recite(other than auzu billah.…. and lahaul wa la…because sometimes wasawis don’t go even upon reading auzu billah……..) when wasawis come to my mind or heart.
wa `alaykum salam,
You may break up the recitation. You may consider maghrib (sunset) time as the beginning of the new day, which is the Islamic understanding, thus you may recite the initial part of the awrad at that time up to the Ihda, and continue the rest at other times. You can sleep and then in the daytime can do Allah Allah and salawat, through 24 hours until complete.
For wasawis (whispers of shaytan), recite Surat an-Nas 3x for protection from waswasa and blow on yourself.
Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani