Hazrat ‘Ali’s father


As Salamu Alaykum, What is he belief of the ahlus sunnah wa’jam’ah, is the father of Hazrat ‘Ali (R.A) a believer ? Did he die as a Muslim ?

Jzkallah Khair


`Alaykum as-Salam,

Regarding the status of Abu Talib we already gave a reply. Regarding the Sunni view on the status of the two parents of the Holy Prophet see al-Suyuti’s text “METHODS OF THOSE WITH PURE BELIEF CONCERNING THE PARENTS OF THE PROPHET“. In his introduction, Imam as-Suyuti says:

Suyuti said: This writing concerns the question of the ruling (hukm) that the father and mother of the Prophet are (believed to be) saved and not in Hellfire. This has been declared by the majority of the scholars, and in reaching that declaration they  have several methods (masalik).

We also addressed this topic at length in our chapter on Imam Abu Hanifa in The Four Imams and Their Schools.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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