Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
istakara dream for marriage
In another dream for other proposal, i saw that we are going to visit some dargha , sir what is the meaning of this dream? Continue reading
Hadith on the punishment of a woman who does not want to cover her hair
I have someone asked me about this hadith. What is the ulama’ opinion about it? Continue reading
Refutation to Claims that the Naqshbandi Golden Chain Has Broken Links
Could you write a piece in refutation to the claims that the Naqshbandi Golden Chain has broken links? I ask this as this claim in spread in the salafi circles in the UK and it is causing a fitnah and misleading some mureeds. Continue reading
My father walked out one night on us and has left us for a woman he’s been committing adultery with for a number of years. He has since not payed for me or my siblings maintenance and doesn’t want anything to do with us. Continue reading
Permission for divorce URGENT!!!!!!!
I have been married to my first cousin for 1 year we have baby boy. We have never got on. Her family interfere in our marriage. We don’t love each other or talk. My name is [private]. Continue reading
Istikhara dream
Asalaamu alaikum, I had a proposal from a brother but asked for nikah to be done in secret as his family would never allow him to marry a revert. I have mixed emotions for him so I did Isikhara. Continue reading
Marraige of my daughter
My name is [private] and my daughters name is [private], she wants to get married to a boy named [private] whose mothers name is [private], can u please do Istikhara and tell me if it’s a good relationship. Continue reading
Vaginismus Cure
I am married for 4 years now and I still find intercourse extremely painful – and most times it does not happen. I have been to a few medical doctors and they have told me that I have condition called vaginismus. Continue reading
Dream: Death and Punishment
I saw a lady on her death bed and her brother is sitting by her looking very upset. I find out that doctors have said she will not survive. I see her surrounded by people who are beating her. Continue reading