Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
Can you pray for me so that I can marry the person I want. Continue reading
Guidance about dream -2
I saw myself on masjid Nabvi saw and in Kaba often.
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Giving good deeds to parents
Is there a way to give half my good deeds to my parents? Continue reading
Please Dua For Me and My Kids
My ex husband never Ibadah since He converted to Islam, Now He is Murtad and hate Islam. Continue reading
Ejection Fraction 29%
Please for the sake Allah (aj), pray for long life & early recovery from Heart Failure condition (with ejection fraction 29%) due to Mitral/A Valve Prolapse etc. Continue reading
A grenade with thrown in a specific place in my neighborhood that I recognize. Continue reading
Kissing of the thumbs during khutbah of jummah
Someone told me that during the second azaan when the imam is on the mimbar he should not kiss his thumbs when he hears the name of RassoolAllah swalAllahu alaihi wa sallam. Continue reading
Dream of prophets upon them and there families be peace
Question: My first I was in a gathering of Musa he ordered people to apprehend me I ran till I climbed over a gate. Then another vision starts I’m back at the same gathering I look to my left and … Continue reading