Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
a shaykh came to my house and he teleported, Continue reading
Dreaming about Reading Quran without veil
I have made a Dream …about Reading surat Yasin in a mosque surrounded buy men and i was without hijab Continue reading
Hazrat Musa in dream and told that I will go to jannah
my grandmother was painting the walls then the door knocked Continue reading
Dream of Isa ibn Mariam (as)
[I dreamt of] a man being in a room with sun rays and he said I am Isa ibn Mariam. Continue reading
Yesterday Video
I want to have a husband & also degree. Continue reading
Spiritual dreams
I’ve been having spiritual dreams for a few months now such as me going for hajj and it was raining a lot Continue reading
Seeing Prophet Ismail (pbuh) as a baby
Baby Ismail (pbuh) started smiling at me & looked very happy. Continue reading
Fear and hate for Misogynistic Men
I want to overcome depression I feel after reading hateful comments by men on women. Continue reading
I like a person [private] very much and want to marry him…please pray for me …Please also do istikhara for me. Continue reading