Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
The story about Ibrahim (alayhis-salam) and the Magian… is it authentic?
روي أن مجوسيا استضاف إبراهيم الخليل عليه السلام Continue reading
getting told off by a shayka
I had a dream that I was in Turkey in a masjid for a Bukhari recitation by Shayk Yaqoubi, Continue reading
Prayer For Mother
My mother has renal failure which some spiritualists say it is a dark spell casted on her. Continue reading
Seeing Jinn in dream.
Is it possible to saw a Jinn in a dream to which it present itself as a Mureed of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (Q) Continue reading
Dua to get pregnant
I ask prayer to get pregnant and conceive a boy Continue reading
Are we to go to Shaykh Mehmet
With Sh Ali Elsayed’s announcement of being under Shaykh Mehmet as he said in the live stream that Shaykh Hisham is a big awliya Continue reading
Marriage help needed please
I fell in love with my cousin and she also Continue reading
Istikhara for a Prospective Marriage Proposal
Is possible for you to do Istikhara on my behalf and help me come to a decision? Continue reading
Mental health
I am suffering from schitsoaffective disorder. Can you please give a wazifa to help. Continue reading