Author Archives: Imam Kamau Ayyubi
Dream: About our Nabi Muhammad s.a.w
I met Mawlana Naazim in Lefke earlier this year and asked him about a dream I had… Continue reading
Dream: Nabi Muhammad as my Imam
I’m sitting on the floor in a room with two friends. I open the door, I see that this…. Continue reading
Dream: Dead uncle
My uncle is a strong follower of tablik jamath. I discuss ways to take him out from… Continue reading
Dream: Three huge snakes
I dream three huge python snake came down from tree where I live,… Continue reading
Dream: A Gift
Recently someone became interested in me. I had a dream that he came to my home… Continue reading
Dream: Pakistan’s Independence Day
It is August 14, 1947, Pakistan is just about to announce independence… Continue reading
Dream: Saying shahadah
What I remember is telling someone about the importance of ahul bayt & asking… Continue reading
Dream: Swans
My female friend had a dream last night. She was wading through a massive lake,… Continue reading
Dream: Large ship
I dreamt that a very large ship was anchored in the land and I was outside the ship… Continue reading
Dream: Prophet (s) and my daughter
I met Rasoolallah (saws) after searching for him to quench my desire to see and… Continue reading