Author Archives: Syed Shahzaman
Dream: Raw dates everywhere
I had a dream close to fajr time in which I saw alot of Raw Dates (khaji) and I saw the mother of my close friend (who is alive) we were at her house and I also saw that my friend whose mother’s house we were in previously came to my house (currently I am looking for a house I live in a apartment) with a gift the box was red and she was eating biryani I haven’t had any contact with her for some time now. Continue reading
Dream: Red Eye
II saw a dream: in my home, that when I took a jug to drink water so many black insects or small fly-like creatures are rounding in the water. I felt dirty… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Seeing Prophet
I had read Doorud about 200,000 but nothing is happen. I want to see Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) Continue reading
Dream: Lion & Crocodile
My husband saw that he is fighting with two lions. He also saw a crocodile which he tried to kill. Then he saw an unknown dead person in white kaffan he was at peace.
Same night I saw my mother in law eating food at our dining table. Continue reading
Over the Sun
From what I can remember I piloted a passenger jet alone over the sun and came to a place with some people who were worshiping Allah. They told me this was Barzakh or a place between dunya and akhirah. Continue reading
Dream: Necklace having purple stones
I saw I am wearing necklace with big oval purple stone (crystal like) in middle, small purple and white stone on right and left. The metal of necklace is of silver color. It is broad. Continue reading
Shaykh in my dream
I saw a dream in which I was with my father standing in front of my shaykh and he was saying to my father ‘you will see’. I thought in the dream that he is telling him he will see Prophet (saw). I got worried as if I will not see Prophet (saw), I starting crying and fell into Shaykh’s feet. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Duas request for my brothers
I need your to request Shaykh’s duas for both my brothers. Prayers for my eldest brother, father of three who’s refusing to come home. He says ‘everytime I walk through the front door something happens to me’… Continue reading
Dream: Dream: Preparing orange juice for Maulana
I dreamt I was in an unknown house and Maulana Shaykh Nazim was present. I was preparing orange juice for Maulana. There was a glass pitcher filled with orange juice and a few square shaped glasses placed on a white tray… Continue reading
Dream: Old woman and man in front of Ka’bah
I had a dream I saw an old woman sit down in front of Ka’bah and then czme 5 men whom I can’t see their faces. One of them goes to the old woman and takes her to go don’t sit in here… Continue reading