Dream: Red Eye



I saw a dream: in my home, that when I took a jug to drink water so many black insects or small fly-like creatures are rounding in the water. I felt dirty. I looked at the dining table (which is made of glass). So many similar type of insects are crawling beneath the glass table. I saw my one eye fully red (rose color) including the pupil.

Please guide me understand the meaning of this dream. May Allah grant you all rewards for this good deed



Walaikumas salam,
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

This dream may have many meaning. Eye indicates ones deen. Any defect in the eye or in the vision represents deficiency in observing religious duty. Water in a jug probably means travel. If you are planning to travel give sadaka. Table means your deen or your provision. In general pay extra attention to make sure there is no negligence on any major requirement of the deen.

Syed Shahzaman

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