Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff

daily practice

What to do if someone dont complete the daily practice?


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Need permission

Question: I need permission to recite Hizb Al Bahr Answer: A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem Please see here. Staff

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Prayer Request: suffering

Assalamu allaikum. I’m so worried, I’m lonely some one I love isn’t talking to me. I’m unable to contact him directly. Once he was online for a second but I couldn’t talk to him because he broke my heart. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Parents approval for marrige

Please am in a great misery.. that i was in luv with a guy for 6 years.. v both luv eachother.. both parents first disagree and sumhow agreed ds.. and ds came upto the engagement level. Continue reading

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How to become wali

Question: I want to become waliullah and for that i need guidance from shaikh nazim ra. I have read online bayyah but wanted to know how will i connect with the sheikh? How can i see the sheikh in dreams? … Continue reading

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Need for permissions in a tariqah

Whilst reviewing the site for answers and you find what you are looking for, are the answers only specific for the person asking the question? Continue reading

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About Love marriage

I’m 23years aged, Ahlulu-sunnah. I’m in love with a girl in my neighborhood. She have a good character, but she belongs to tabligh jamat, She is love me also, we want to marry but our guardian not willing with us. Continue reading

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Dua for having a baby

We have got married for eight months and never delay to get our first child since we are not in our optimum age to have a baby. Continue reading

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Is my sister possessed by jinns?

My sister has been ill for about 12years nw, i would like to know if she is posessed by jinns Continue reading

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Dua Hazrat Dawood

The Dua of Hazrat Dawood (as) Continue reading

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