Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff

Hazrat Dawood A.S Dua

May Allah bless you with the best of the health,loads of success and prosperity .I love a man and we both were planning to get married this year 2012. The planning was being done in 2011… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: financial crises

I,m in problem.I do not know what to do?Because a person to whom i love .And he love me also we love each other .we want to get marry.his family is so much cruel 2 years and 6 month duration of love. Continue reading

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Court not dismissing although proved innocent

My friend in the UAE is in great distress as he got dragged into a court case which involved sleeping pills. He is pious, does not do drugs, does not smoke and does not drink. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Dua for Job and strengthening my imam

Salaamalaykum Dearest sheikh. I pray Allah s.w.t gives you health and passes on a strong Imaan to All. I would like to request duas for a job I am applying for which I feel will help me and my family as well as moving forward to get married. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: husband’s job

My husband has a PhD from a prestigious university in UK in animal sciences. He is a very hardworking person and a very practicing Muslim. For some reason he has never been able to secure a job which matches with his credentials. Continue reading

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Studying Science

Is studying medical to become a doctor WITH having a niat of gaining sawab and halal rizq good… Does studying THE MBBS COURSE then become an Ibadat????? OR IS IT JUST MUBAH … Continue reading

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Please define the term sadaqa as it is used so often by many. Can Sayed’s take sadaqa and zakat?
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Prayer Request: dua against evil eye and jealousy

please make dua for me and my family as we are surrounded by jealous people and their evil eye and do prescribe a dua to prevent from it. Continue reading

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Wazifa to clear debts

Question: Please can you give a wazifa that would clear my debts (mortgage) Answer: A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem See the Post “Prayer Request: Debt.” Staff

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Prayer Request: Job uncertainty and debts

Respected Shaykhs, I need your prayers and help urgently. I wrote to you about a month ago but have had no response. In spite of hard work and good performance, my job contract will come to an end with no renewal unless I take big cut in salary. Over many years I have faced job terminations repeatedly. As a result there is a hardship for my family and I have to carry debts. Please beloved Shaykhs I need your guidance and prayers to help me in my situation. Thanks and may Allah bless you. Continue reading

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