Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff

Prayer Request: request dua of hazrat dawood alaihi assalam

i like one guy, he also likes me he said he wil marry me, but frequently he changes his statements that… Continue reading

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Get my love back

Salaam may I permission to read the following dua of dawood (as) and how long one must read this and wear the taweez on the right arm … Continue reading

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Wazeefa of Hazrat Dawood

I was with a guy for 3 years, he was well introduced to my parents and family, everyone approved and he promised we would get married in 2014. Now that 2014 is getting closer he is backing out and coming up with excuses to leave me. Continue reading

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Ijazat to do wazifa

Question: Salam, I just wanted permission to do wazifa, dua of dawood AS peace be upon him. Jzk Answer: A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem wa `alaykum salam, There is general permission to recite the Dua of Sayyidina Dawood … Continue reading

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Prayer Request: I wish to marry her

Sallam shayk, I am dating a christain am in love with her . Her family refused me to marry her due to religion and I fear if I marry her I might loose my childrento Christianity… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Permission to recite dua dawood As

I really love a guy n want to marry him don’t want any haram relation wid him but there r many hurdles in family n dat guy don’t love me dat much as he use to do before I want to marry him can I have permission… Continue reading

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Permission for hazrat dawood

I read on your website that the Dua of Hazrat Dawood can be recited in order to promote love. I would like to say this Dua for a boy I am in love with. Continue reading

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I want my love back

Me and a girl were together for over 2 years and we were supposed to get married and we both loved each other a lot. Now she said she cant do jit anymore and she has left me :( Continue reading

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Prayer Request: i want my love back….

I’m in love with a girl and we fell apart due to
something. I want her back and its been 4 months
now. Continue reading

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Permission to Read Hazrat Dawood

I was seeking permission to read hazrat dawood be cause I am in severe need. I was in love with this guy for 2 years and he loves me but then family problems arose and we got separated… Continue reading

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