Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff

There is a jinn with me.

Sorry to trouble you with this, but I believe that there is a jinn with me and it is causing me to spend, spend, spend. Continue reading

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Shaykh Nazim(qs) in Pakistan

Below link it may be answer of above question ! Continue reading

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Prayer Request: health

m 26 years old. i am disturb about my health; my mother asked from 2 or 3 people who made istikhara and told her that your daughter is caught by jinn Continue reading

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Problem with Conceiving

Alhamdulilah I have been married for 4-5 years and i still do not have any children. Continue reading

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Ramadan Blessing to All

I would like to Thank Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani and Staff May Allah Bless You all and Your Family this Ramadan, May Allah keep my heart close and May he forgive me of any sins. Continue reading

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Establishing Rabita (spiritual connection) with Awliya?

Assalam-o-alaikum wa Rehmatullahi wa Barkatahu,
Dear shaykh i have heard from many shuyukh regarding, splendid effects of having Nisbat and Rabita (spiritual connection) of you/your heart with Awliya & Saliheen.
How does our heart connect with their heart?
Can you please suggest a practical approach to establish Rabita with awliya and Saliheen?
JazakAllah khair! Continue reading

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Want to fight people

Can I join an Islamic jihad group?… Continue reading

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Zohr Salaah and Asr Salaal

I would like to know if it is allowed to pray Zohr and Asr namaaz together, I have heard that one can do so but it is only allowed at the time of haj, I always miss Zohr namaaz due to work and we do not have facilities to pray at work, Continue reading

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Seeing real dreams

I have experienced a lot of changes in my life since last two years Continue reading

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Very private question

I have a very personal and long question to ask. Continue reading

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