Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff
Dream: True-Dreams
Lately i have been seeing dreams which turn out to be completely true.. Continue reading
having painful experience
i have a question that whenever i planned to have family get together and invited people at my home they come including my brother sister and their family and my parents when they left after visiting me i have experienced Continue reading
scared of sleeping after experience
pls can you advise me on what to do as im scares to sleep. A few days ago after fajr I was on my mobile internet reading through the dream interpretations on your site. I decided to try and sleep but I couldnt. I started to hear a noise like someone jumping up and down on a bed and realised it sounded like my bed but the bed wasnt moving next my duvet raised up and it felt like something cold got in bed with me. I ran out of the room and cant sleep on my own now. Im 29 and female. Similar things have happend before but not this bad. Continue reading
Wanting to make baya`
I am already bait of Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jilani ra Qadri. I want to increase my… Continue reading
Making up fasts from previous Ramadan
Question: Asalamalikum, I am 19 years old woman now. I missed fasts because of my menstruation. I have lost count. And i also missed a lot of fasts during my field hockey season, since i played sports on a very … Continue reading
Online Bayyath
My name is [private] and reside in Toronto, Canada. I took online Bayyath from Shaykh Nazim Al HAqqani a few months ago. . Continue reading
Advice from MSH
I would like to ask MSH for an advice. Continue reading
Dream: suffocation
when i go sleep i would wake up in the middle of the night not able to move nor can i speak no Continue reading
I have met somebody fairly recent and wanted to know if I should think about marriage with them. Continue reading