Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff

Grand Shaykh (q) dua

What is GrandShaykh(q)’s dua? Continue reading

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Can jins be produced via humans

How can u protect yourself against such devilish and evil people who take such cruel advantages. Continue reading

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Is SHAM my destiny

I am a Muheb living in Morocco and waiting and praying for Mahdi is it my destiny to move to one of the three places of safety
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Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Sufism (Tasawwuf) | Comments Off on Is SHAM my destiny

Tattoos affect on salah

As salaamu alaykum I would like to know how tatoos may affect the salah. Does the tatoo make the salah deficient since there is najas left on the skin? If done after accepting Islam versus before shahadah? What measures need to be taken to rectify this sin? and to lift najasah? Continue reading

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As per Sharia what should be the mehr of a girl? Continue reading

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My Spiritual Name?

Will you give me my spiritual name? Continue reading

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Where can I find Videos of Honorable Sheikh Nazim QA in English subtitled?

I am non arab and I can’t understand and speak Turkish as well. Can you please tell me where to find the videos of Mawlana which are in Turkish with English subtitles, I recently went to the website and there is this video titled ‘A Glimpse into the Secrets of Awliyaullah from the Notes of GrandShaykh ‘, Continue reading

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how to perform muraqabah

can you just explain to me in simple terms how to perform muraqabah, I want to become closer to mawlana sheikh nazim.[fr]can you just explain to me in simple terms how to perform muraqabah, I want to become closer to mawlana sheikh nazim.[/fr] Continue reading

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Prayer Request: for children

My brother has been married for over 9 years but they have no children. Please can you advise and pray for him. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Jealousy from marriage

I got married recently, and straight after our wedding I started having health problems.[fr]I got married recently, and straight after our wedding I started having health problems.[/fr] Continue reading

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