Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff
Changing what is allowed by Allah haram?
If a person of influential power makes something that is actually allowed and halal then brainwashes people by declaring the halal rule as forbidden/haram then is it a sin to change that? Continue reading
Can women go outside of their homes
How come men forbid women from socializing with friends and cage and lock them in their houses. Aren’t the men committing sins and Allah hates that for stealing the women’s freedom? Continue reading
acceptance of prayer
I need to know if my salat is accepted while wearing magic taweez or is the salat not accepted even though proper wudhu and prayer is performed. Continue reading
Want to be healthy and really handsome
I am very obese young boy, I need a Wazifah to help me lose my weight. Being obese is not good for a persons physical health, it can restrict lots for a person. By the grace of Allah, I have started working out. Continue reading
Request to Shaykh Hisham Alkabbani
I wanted to ask if Shaykh Hisham AlKabbani could record recitations for Ruqya as the Muslims could highly benefit by his blessed voice? Continue reading
rizkh problem
Please give me zikhar or wazifa for barkah in rizkh and to solve my financial problem. Please please help me… Continue reading