Author Archives: Taher Siddiqui
visiting graves on Friday
Question: Is it sunnah or mustahab to visit graves on Friday? Answer: Waalaykumussalam warahmatullah, Yes, it was declared a sunna and mustahabb for a Muslim to visit the graves on Jumu`a on the collective basis of several reports and per … Continue reading
Become a Mureed
how do 1self become a real mureed Continue reading
Our choice vs ALLAH’s
I often stop praying for the man I like because I do not want to force him through dua Continue reading
Defeated jinni
I had dreamt I saw “محمد” engraved on my right palm Continue reading
Urgent prayer
there were 3 persons even made lie about me able to steal stuffs and dirtied my image. Continue reading
Seeing darga shareef in dreams
In that she was walking in a road on the both side of the road there were many shrines (tombs ) Continue reading
Beautiful planets
In night sky, beautiful wonderous planet appear Continue reading
I had a few dreams where I was urinating Continue reading