Author Archives: Taher Siddiqui

marriage problems

my sister and husband constantly have problems. They always calling each other bad names. [fr]my sister and husband constantly have problems. They always calling each other bad names. [/fr] Continue reading

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Dream: window

Keep having dreams about the window of my house in connection to my bedroom , someone was looking in and he was trying to get in and my son was hitting his hands then he chased the man down the street (my house was made up exactly the way in the dream) Continue reading

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Seeing Prophet Isa (as).

Earlier this year, I saw in a dream that Prophet `Isa (as) was standing in my bedroom, in front of a bookshelf, which has books on its shelves.[fr]Earlier this year, I saw in a dream that Prophet `Isa (as) was standing in my bedroom, in front of a bookshelf, which has books on its shelves.[/fr] Continue reading

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Seeing Rasool Allah Sal Allahu alayhi wassallam as a child.

I saw Rasool Allah sal Allahu alayhi wasallam as a young child. He looked like he was age about 6 years or so and he was in the arms of a lady who was wrapped in a ‘chador’ with only her face showing. [fr]I saw Rasool Allah sal Allahu alayhi wasallam as a young child. He looked like he was age about 6 years or so and he was in the arms of a lady who was wrapped in a ‘chador’ with only her face showing. [/fr] Continue reading

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disturbing dreams

I keep having constant dreams regarding a particular person you are aware of who I was abused by. [fr]I keep having constant dreams regarding a particular person you are aware of who I was abused by. [/fr] Continue reading

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Sinking islands

We heard from Maulana that there will be some countries or islands which will sink partially or completely, e.g: Mauritius island, Cyprus and others. [fr]We heard from Maulana that there will be some countries or islands which will sink partially or completely, e.g: Mauritius island, Cyprus and others. [/fr] Continue reading

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Dream: seeing Mowlana

In her dream she is at a place where she is waiting for Mowlana. She then notices that there are men also waiting. [fr]In her dream she is at a place where she is waiting for Mowlana. She then notices that there are men also waiting. [/fr] Continue reading

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Dua against problems

I am in a lot of debt and wondering how to pay this off, unfortunately recently i have had problems with my job also and am not sure if my present company will keep me.[fr]I am in a lot of debt and wondering how to pay this off, unfortunately recently i have had problems with my job also and am not sure if my present company will keep me.[/fr] Continue reading

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Am I forgotten?

I took online baya on March 26 this year alhamdu’li’Allah. I am very thankful that Allah (swt) has lead me to this tariqa. I found a group of people in my hometown, and they are Sufi from Turkey. I have been told by a mureed from them, that there is no such thing as online baya and that I need a vekil (Turkish word) to go through in order to make baya Continue reading

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Djin (feedback) and powerful Taweez of MSN

P.S.I forgot to tell you that the Djin when he attacked me the first time, he was avoiding my upper body because of the powerful TAWEEZ I wore around my neck (I am not kidding). Continue reading

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