Author Archives: Taher Siddiqui
Father estranged from daughters
married daughter of 2 whose father is estranged from her because she is keeping in touch with her sister Continue reading
deceased dear one
i converted to Islam a year ago. 3 days back i lost beloved one Continue reading
video of Shaykh Hisham
3 days ago i saw a dream where i had seen Hajja Naziha showing me a video in her phone about Shaykh Hisham and there is a beautiful pious lady of turkic origin Continue reading
Zarb (Strike) in Zikr
When saying Kalima, can a mureed strike his heart with “il-Allah” as seen in Qadriyya silsila? Continue reading
Should I take bayah with a Shaykh when my practice in islam is lacking
Should I take bayah (online) with a shaykh when my practice in islam is lacking Continue reading
Lost soul
I am lost, I need to see my shaykh in pakistan , under whom I can follow divine and path of sufi. Lahore, Pakistan Continue reading
Dream of Prophet (s)
everything i do fails. never had success in my life. Continue reading
private invites by teacher
My teacher invites Like a older brother. And that’s the point , sometime he treats me like a friend / brother so he see his acts and wants to act like a teacher to me , with authority Continue reading
Permission to read Shajrah
Please pray for me Ya Sayyidi and grant me permission to read Shajrah. Continue reading
My son’s leg seems like he has polio
All these years I been treating a leg that seemed fat…I fear he has contracted polio Continue reading