Author Archives: Taher Siddiqui
How does one confirm if he is among The substitute saints
i want to confirm how can one confirm whether he is among The substitute saints? Continue reading
Ate wolf meat, and saw my deceased mother urging me not to go
father was cutting wolf meat, he told me its wolf meat & told difference Continue reading
Mohre nabuwwat
I saw mohre nabuwwat the place seamed heavenly. What does this dream mean. Continue reading
Seeking connection
I find myself grappling with a sense of stagnancy, longing for tangible progress and a deeper connection with murshidi, Syedi Shaykh Hisham Continue reading
Dying in dream
Question: I saw myself dying and reciting kalimah awal Answer: It means your Shaykh is taking you to the station of “die before you die.” He will preserve your station and keep it safe, as you cannot. Allah knows best. … Continue reading
Shaykh Nour clean shaved
I saw Sheykh Nour in my dream clean shaved much younger he told me to say Ya rakiyun 15 times after Isha prayer. What should I do? Continue reading
Oral Sex
Is oral sex permitted in the Shafi’i madhab? Continue reading
Bahrul qudra
My question is by the turning [of Rasoolullah (s) in Bahrul Qudra] the creation is coming in existence? Continue reading
Thread coming out of nose
I had a dream whereby I was pulling some black thread from my nose. Continue reading