Dream Interpretation
Dream: Watching a sunset
For a long time now I’ve been making dua for God to help me be the person I need to be before he sends me a spouse. Last night I made very sincere dua for some kind of sign. Anything that might give me guidance… Continue reading
Dream: Black Dog
I had a dream a black dog came up to me. I hit it with my dad’s shoe 3 times and then picked it up and threw it, cracking it’s skull and causing it to die… Continue reading
Dream: Office Scolding
I saw I am sitting in an office ( I am working woman) and I scolded a man with black beard. He doesn’t look towards me but he seemed ashamed. Next day my boss scolded me for nothing… Continue reading
Dream: Fish intercepting your body
Me, my mum & family (some we not speaking to due to issues) are together talking standing in still, clear water reaching our waist. We were all clothed. My mum was next to me when a trout swims… Continue reading
Dream: Picking Roses
In my dream I was in a room full of roses of different sizes and colors placed of several shelves. I went round with a bucket picking the roses and I took both the big and small roses that I like… Continue reading
Dream: Black Goat
I had a dream that a black goat entered my house (parents house) and came in as if it was a pet. I was not scared of it and it seemed like it was smiling… Continue reading
Dream: Likes my tooth
I like a white girl and she likes me too. Some weeks ago I dreamt that I was entering the library and I sat on the chair and started to watch tv or something like that… Continue reading
Dream: Trying to kill a mouse
In the first dream there is a tiny baby mouse and its in the living room where i’m sleep. I pick up a white or cream coloured bed sheet and I grab the mouse with it. Then I try to squeeze… Continue reading
Dream: Colorful embroidered dress
I saw a dream that I am wearing a colorful embroidered dress and my friends were saying you are so simple and your style is different then why are you wearing such kind of dress. Continue reading
Dream: I gave Shaykh Nazim food in my dream
Shaykh Nazim was in my home eating food I had prepared in the basement. Shaykh was eating and I began to sweep because it was dusty, and I dropped a vitamin in the sweeping. Shaykh picked it up and was about to eat it, but I did not want Shaykh to eat it because it fell. Continue reading