Dream Interpretation

Interpretation of dreams. Note answers may be limited due to the quantity of requests.

Dream: entering to special place

..We find ourselves on a very highly situate terrace overlooking a wide beautiful landscape from up high as far as the eye can reach. Right near the entrance there is Maulana Sheikh Nazim at a younger age… Continue reading

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Dream: Seeing Shaykh Hishaam Kabbani

I live in the U.S. and I recently took bayath with Shaykh Nazim online, after researching a great deal about the Naqshbandi way. Last week, I had a dream in which I saw Shaykh Hisham very clearly. Continue reading

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Dream: Go to China

A few years ago I had a dream in which I was told to go to China. Then the dream was repeated and this time I saw my self in China, a voice said: THE KING WANTS YOU THERE. Continue reading

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Dream: Prophets are alive

In this dream the Messenger of Allah Nebi Suleyman handed me a letter in a closed envelope and told me to hand it or give it to Shaykh Hisham (q.s) and when I handed it to Shaykh Hisham (q.s) in the same dream, he immediately took it from me but without opening it told me and the people (did not see people but felt so) that this an indication of what he was saying before that prophets are alive…

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Dream: Quran eated

my dream is: I was at home and I’ve dinner and Mawlana appear to me and give give me the Qu’ran and say me: eat it! I eat and I feel burn into myself and Mawlana look me serious. Continue reading

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Dream: Prophet Adam (as)

I dreamt that I was standing in front of this huge white mansion one fine night. I saw groups of Naqshbandi men scattered coming from all directions and heading to this white mansion. As I turned around in confusion of not knowing where I am and what I am doing, I saw a very tall old man (almost 3 meters tall) in white jubah, overcloak, white imamah and white Naqshbandi taj… Continue reading

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Dream: Praying in Masjid-ul-Haram

I saw that I was Going to Masjid-ul-Haram to see Ka’aba with my Father and my younger brother.. then I entered the Masjid… I was praying in the upper floor of the Masjid… Continue reading

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Dream: Burnt face

What does it mean when we dream someone with a burnt face (black with ash) . what does it represent for that person. Continue reading

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Dream: Salawat Nariyyah

I dream of defending shalawat nariyah. In my dream someone said that that shalawat is bid’ah then I defend it. But in realty I never know about shalawat nariyah. Continue reading

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Seeing Vision of Allah’s Name

If someone gifted saw Allah’s (SWT) Blessed name written on another brother’s hand (mureed) of Shaykh Nazim (qs) is there special meaning/significance? Continue reading

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