Halal & Haram
Can a non-Muslim be in authority in a Muslim country?
I have question about the meaning of Surah Al Maidah 51.
Does Islam allows Muslim to vote for non-Muslim to be in the position of governor in a Muslim majority country? Continue reading
euthanazing a suffering animal
Is it permitted to put an animal that is suffering to “sleep”? Continue reading
is Hijab Mandatory?
Question: May this finds you in the best of everything by Allah’s Grace. Would like to know what all of you, brothers and sisters, and Maulana Shaykh Hisham think of this following cogent analysis of Dr. Ibrahim Syed and his … Continue reading
Imposter khalifa
My family under blackmagic as we’ve broken contact with a person claiming to be representative of MSN QS. Continue reading
wood charcoal comsumption
Asslamualaikum is eating wood charcoal haram please provide me the answer.it has lots of benefits can you eat activated charcoal or use it on ur face. Continue reading
Please comment: Australian Muslim male students decline shaking hands of women
Can you comment on this article: NSW Muslim students decline to shake hands ? Continue reading
Family Planning permissible?
Are Family Planning methods permissible in accordance with Islam Shariah? Continue reading
Is wearing magnetic bracelet for good circulation halaal for male kid?
Is wearing magnetic bracelet for good circulation halaal for male kid? Continue reading
Permissible to keep blessed name?
Our daughter’s name was changed to Fatimah when she was young. Continue reading
Distinguishing between Black Magic and Prophetic Miracle
How can we distinguish between a real Mu’jiza and a strange event performed through sorcery? Continue reading