Prayer Request
Prayer Request: missing cat
Recently my family moved to a new residence. unfortunately, our cat ran out of the house and she is now nowhere to be found. is there any durood or dhikr we can read so she returns home? Continue reading
Prayer Request: prayer for removing magic
asslamalikum to Sultan ul Aulia Sheikh Nazim & Hazrat Sheikh Hisham i am a mohsin mureed of Moulana from India since 8 month I am effected by magic badly. I am very upset and if i read something i cant recite any zikr or dua easily. Continue reading
Prayer Request: graduation
I am having problems in school. Please Shaykh Hisham pray that I graduate in year 2015.
Please pray that Allah shows me guidance so that I may achieve this goal. Jazakallah remember me in your prayers. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Prayer needs for family
Ya sayyidi plz pray for us and our family to hold the rope of Allah tight together and not separate and follow the sunnah of prophet muhammad (s.a.w). Continue reading
Prayer Request: For a Child
I sincerely hope my request reached to the attention of Shaykh Hisham for my husband and I to be blessed with a child. We’ve been married for 8 years but so far nothing yet. Medically, we are deemed normal. Continue reading
Prayer Request: humble request for dua
Assalamualikum wrb, my grandmother is very ill, she is at 4th stage of cancer and in too much pain.. she has lost contrl on her mind , she has not eaten since months, I request u to make dua for her to make her way to jannah easier… Continue reading
Prayer Request: URGENT Journey to Pakistan and Umrah
Me and my family are going on a journey to Pakistan and them to do Umrah. Please pray for our safe journey and return and O Sayyedi protect us from the evil eye and black magic. Continue reading
Need a good friend
Sir please tell me any dua for making friends. Since my childhood I haven’t made many friends, and now when I’m in my university I made one best friend but we broke up because of misunderstandings, I don’t want to be with her again. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Shaykh Hisham spiritual help
I request Shaykh Hisham to answer this. Shaykh Hisham I cant contact my murshid because he lives far away and I cant meet him. I’m a talibeen of Shaykh Nazim and so I wanted you to unlock for my brother and myself every spiritual door. Continue reading