Prayer Request
كيف انوي How do I say my intention
How do you make Niyya before reading Quran or calling on Allah’s Names for a special need? Continue reading
Unmarried, older woman, many dua
I’m 50; sadly I still havent met a potential husband. Continue reading
Conceive child
Please make dua for me and my husband to have a child we have been trying trying a long time Continue reading
A job and success
I joined university but I could never complete my course Continue reading
Not praying salah please advise me
I am ashamed that I have began missing my salah and I am struggling to pray. Continue reading
Marriage problems
She says she cant feel love for me, and is depressed Continue reading
I humbly request sheikh to make duaa for my husband he has gone off track Continue reading
Understanding the type of fate
by which type of fate wives are decided? Continue reading
I have been trying to conceive for 8 years now Continue reading
Marriage Mental illness loneliness
please for the seek of Allah pray that my general illness and Epilepcy cure Continue reading