Prayer Request
Prayer Request: Istikhara Request
I want to request respected Shayakh Hisham for istikhara of my marriage. The boy is a from both the mother and father side and his name is [private] and my name is [private]…. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Istikhara for marriage
Shaykh, could you please make Istikhara for me regarding a person whom I would like to marry. My name is [private]. … Continue reading
Prayer Request: Vodoo, hair and blood
ne of my sisters is possessed. She faint often and sometimes the djinn speaks through her. Witchcraft was done with her hair and her blood… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Seeking Advice
I’m 2_ and I just graduated from Med School in Pakistan, and wish to apply to US for residency. I’m currently studying for an exam which would make me eligible to apply to US… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Phobia
I have a driving phobia. I am extremely scared of driving. This problem depresses me and i feel hopeless and worthless all the time… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Protection from practitioners of black magic
My husband is a great believer in sheikh Nazam and has visited them numerous times and I believe that I was saved from a evil man and force through the grace of god … Continue reading
Prayer Request: Son got bitten
Request: Assalam alaikum, Beloved Shaikh Nazim and Beloved Shaikh Hisham.It is my humble request to you O my murshid please do help me.My son was bitten by a stray dog very severely. He has been given his first active immunization … Continue reading
Prayer Requet: For married life
We are married for 7 yrs and my husband said he does not love me and he never felt anything for me… Continue reading