Prayer Request
Prayer Request: Weak servant
I am already a very weak servant to make this request but Ya Sayyidi from past few days I am feeling very weak not physically but spiritually… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Reconcile with my wife
I had an argument with my wife and i used the word talaq 3 times in rage and am now regretting… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Acute Rheumatoid Arthritis
I have been suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis for last several years. Despite taking a lot of medication, my RA is not in control and getting worse… Continue reading
Prayer Request: For our Children
Please, my humble request, Yaa Shaykh, and everyone. Pray for my 2 teenage children, that Allaah gives a love of Islaam in their hearts and that they would start practice teachings of Islaam in their lives… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Exams and spouse
I have exams coming and i need help with revision and a clear head, are their any duas that i can read to help increase memory and exam success… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Husband’s prosperity
My husband is a very good nature person but he doesn’t pray regularly. Please pray for him and secondly he is running a fast food restaurant which is not earning well… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Urgent Solution Needed
I am facing serious financial problems in the university.I have been facing the problem for a very long period of time without a solution despite the numerous wazifs that I recite… Continue reading
Parents Approval for Marriage
My name is [private]. Ive suffered greatly during the last year because the boy I wanted to marry wasn’t up to my family’s likings… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Trusting Others
I would like to request that a prayer be made to help me trust others and not be constantly suspicious. I’ve been noticing in the past year that whenever someone says something that doesn’t add up… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Hidayat, etc
Please make duah for Allah to forgive my sins, those which I committed knowingly and unknowingly. Please make duah that Allah grants me hidayat to be of those who identifies His signs… Continue reading