Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Seclusion, Prophet S.A.W
Since we are not with out shaykh physically, how do we know that we need to enter into a seclusion? how will we find out? Continue reading
My Sister wanted to know that Her husband has become mureed of the Chishtiyah order. Does this mean she is automatically initiated into this tariqa or does this mean she has to become a mureed of this specific tariqa ? Continue reading
Question about Imam as Khalifa
Is there any such a thing ? & how we react on this ? Please pardon my poor adab. Continue reading
About Participation after Bayat
due to some reason they are not attending zikr ,,they are confused related to their bayat..they are not in suhbat of their pir brother. but they have spirit ,love to been in tariqat Continue reading
Need to fight waswas
I really want to be a true Muslim, but these waswas are bad. The more i fight it the more i think of it. Continue reading
Dua for Meals
Can you please advise which are the Duas Mawlana Shaykh Hisham says before & after a meal (in Arabic & English, if possible).
Bismillah, Zain. Continue reading
How to prepare for the meeting?
My path is at the ends with the last meeting, so I have to really prepare. Continue reading
Dream: Snake Bite
I had a dream a couple weeks ago. I was walking around a snake and the snake was poised to bite me. Continue reading
Dream: Clothes inside out
I have had a dream a few weeks ago and wrote asking it’s meaning – I saw myself wearing my clothes inside out. Continue reading
Thank you
I wanted to say thank you for your duas since taking on-line baya I have experience so may miracles I cannot even express my thanks Continue reading