Permission for aspects of `ibadah (worship), travel and major life changes.
Qasida Ghausia and Naad e Ali
I have a habit of reciting Qasida Ghausia and Naad e Ali daily. Can I recite them during periods as well? Continue reading →
Shaikh Nazim’s shajra
can you please send me Shaikh Nazim’z shajra and also need permission to read it daily. Continue reading →
Become a Talib
I am already a murid of the Qadri Silsila Continue reading →
Permission to read Salawats in a women group
Please grant us permission and blessings to read Salawats/ dzikir at my home Continue reading →
need permission for reciting dua e saifi
need permission for reciting dua e saifi Continue reading →
Permission without Bayat
i can seek permission for all Zikrs/Wirds of the Silsila without entering a Bayat. Continue reading →
Hizbul bahr
I want the permission to read Hizbul Bahr for my mom, dad and me. Continue reading →
being a scholar/imam
I want to serve my community by opening a community centre/mosque for the youth Continue reading →
Malik al Mulk recitation
Need permission to recite Malik al Mulk 2120 times once in 24 hours. Continue reading →
Permission to recite surah muzammil and hizb ul bahar
Please ask Sayyadi to grant me permission to recite 40x surah Muzammil daily. Continue reading →