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- Dream about Sheikh Nizam and Sheikh Kabbani
- Dream of auliya
- Response to objection about the Parents of The Prophet (salalahu alayhi wa salam)
- Aswrwrb, please interpret dream
- Dream: Seeing the Kabbah
- Facing north instead east (qibla) (wrong direction) and weak adhan
- Legal Help
- Dream of Wide Ocean and Mountains
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- Wedding dress
Permission for aspects of `ibadah (worship), travel and major life changes.
Permission or Ijazat for reciting duas of black magic
I do not belong to the Naqshbandi silsila, but a great fan and regular visitor of this site. I want to know if I or anyone could get permission or ijazat to recite or read the duas mentioned at https://eshaykh.com/prayer_request/remove-black-magic-2/ ? Actually some of my family members seem to be suffering with black magic or evil eye. Continue reading →
Permission to leave
as salamu alaikum, I took baya over the internet with Shaykh Nazim, but was not very serious, but now I am baya with Shaykh Muhammad al Yaqoubi. Continue reading →
Dua of Hazrat Dawood as
How many days and times do we have to recite verse 9:129 daily if you are doing the wazifa and do you have to recite the other with mentioning her name as we’ll on a daily basis Continue reading →
Permission for Shafi’i Madhhab
Salam alaikum wa Rahmatullah. Blessings on our Prophet(SAWS), on Siyyidi Sheikh Muhammad Nazim Al Haqqani, and on all awliya and salihin. Please, i would like to ask for permission to accept Shafi’i madhhab and to to try to learn about it. Continue reading →
Dua to prevent mind reading
Salaam to all shuyukh especially to Mawlana and his deputies. Sorry for my bad adab. Firstly I would like to know about my ancestry my fathers side are shaikhs, I wanted to know if I am belonging anyway to ahl al bayt or to Abu bakr siddique (ra) family. Continue reading →
permission to recite dua
Question: I seek permission to recite the Du`a and Ruqya for love and attraction which people call Du`a of Hazrat Dawud (upon him peace) Answer: A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem Please see here. Staff
Love and Marriage
Please allow me to read Dua of Hazrat Daud in Love and Marriage section Continue reading →
confusion for purposal
i am enagged and em not satsfied with it.. my family is not in my support and they think that em acting emotionally.but there is something not satsfying my heart Continue reading →
I love someone and I want permission for wazifa
I want permission for wazifa. I love someone a lot. Last month everything was ok, just little fights. But now he left me and said that he love someone else. Continue reading →
salam sir could u plz tell me if i recite dua dawud as more than 101 times a day than it would be more effective or anything like that ? Continue reading →