Latest Questions
- Dream about Sheikh Nizam and Sheikh Kabbani
- Dream of auliya
- Response to objection about the Parents of The Prophet (salalahu alayhi wa salam)
- Aswrwrb, please interpret dream
- Dream: Seeing the Kabbah
- Facing north instead east (qibla) (wrong direction) and weak adhan
- Legal Help
- Dream of Wide Ocean and Mountains
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- Wedding dress
Permission for aspects of `ibadah (worship), travel and major life changes.
I have been a Naqshbandi I realize that the zhikr which is fit for me comes from my late Syeikh because I already have talqin zhikr about nafi isbat & qalbi zhikr… Continue reading →
Moving to Bali
Me and family are thinking of moving to Bali (island in Indonesia which most of the people are not Muslim), not for work, just to live there. I’m a freelancer could work from anywhere, no matter where we live. Please advise whether this (moving to Bali) is good or bad for us. Continue reading →
Helpless in matter of ruqya for love
In my previous question I asked for permission if my friend can do ruqya but she refuses to do ruqya for love for me. Now I don’t know what to do. I don’t know anyone else who can do this ruqya. I am not pious, I am a sinful person but I repent from my sins and am trying to follow the deen… Continue reading →
Posted in Permission
Tagged ruqya, sincerity
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Permission to go out daily
MSN has warned us few times NOT to go out at night. We are living in Yemen. My son is taking classes at…every night 5x/week and Thursday night mawlid. I have to bring my children everyday… Continue reading →
Permission for Ruqya
I want to take permission for Shaykh Abdullah Al FAiz Ad Daghestani’s R.A taweez against evil on me. Please pray for… Continue reading →
Permission to do archery
A couple of friends and I wish to do archery. We are all at the age of 16 and we know it is Sunnah to do archery and it is a key skill. All I need to know is whether I still need permission to do so, if so may I have the permission to do archery. Continue reading →
Asking permission to hijrah
I have been working with this company. The problem is every time I had a goal every time I lost my customer because my boss is always arbitrary and selfish Continue reading →
Arabic Studies
My name is [private] seeking permission to travel. I was looking into traveling to take an Arabic intensive course this summer at Zaytuna College in California…. Continue reading →
Permission: Extend Contract
I came here with the advice of Sheikh Hisham, so I wanted to ask one more time for his advice or blessing, to extend my contract here another year. I am teaching in an elementary school in [private]… Continue reading →
Issues for new Muslims
Any general advice concerning good manners in the presence of a shaykh would be really appreciated and I will use that as a topic of discussion with my revert group… Continue reading →
Posted in Permission
Tagged group leader, Islamic modesty, new convert, new to Islam, revert, taqiyya, wearing hijab
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