Dream interpration
dreamt of masjid Al Nabawi and walking inside the masjid. I see lightning happening Continue reading
Fallen into debt trap. Don't know what wrong I did. No brother. We r 2 daughters
As I have a Baby i cant work. Searching a way to earn from home i fell into debts Continue reading
I am going through sadness, emptiness, anxiety & was-was and I felt that my mind is empty. Continue reading
Question to Sheikh Gibril Haddad
Is there a way to send an email [to Shaykh Gibril Haddad]? Continue reading
The Cave
Question: As a child of around 6 years old I once dreamt I’ve entered into a cave and after initially walking through a cavern in relative darkness I come upon a vast swirl of different colours, similar to a rainbow, … Continue reading
Fake Shaykh Adnan youtube page
There is a fake Shaykh Adnan page that is filled with wahhabi/salafi lecturers and branded to make it seem like it belongs to SufiLive. Continue reading
Re: Expunge the pain. Too much pain: My body feel really really lousy?
What country are you in? Sent from my iPhone > On Feb 23, 2023, at 7:04 AM, mateen siddiqui wrote: > > Salaam Brother, > The pain in my body gets worst with time. > > It is incapacitating. > … Continue reading
Fwd: Expunge the pain. Too much pain: My body feel really really lousy?
Salaam Brother, The pain in my body gets worst with time. It is incapacitating. I’m trying to be pragmatic and trying to improve health as much as possible. Unfortunately, CBD oil is out of the question because illegal in my … Continue reading
monetizing a Youtube channel
Assalamoalikum Shayk hope you are fine inshAllah.Dear Shaykh I have an Islamic Youtube channel it is monetized Is it allowed for me to use the money for myself earned from that channel? === Mateen Siddiqui (810) 498-8391
Al Hawi lil Fatawi-Translation
I was wondering if there is an English translation of Imam Al-Suyuti’s Al Hawi lil Fatawi. Continue reading