Can Muslims study Ayurveda?


Can Muslims study Ayurvedic system of medicine? Because in Ayurveda various procedures are against Islam like in one topic called GOOD CONDUCT, it’s mentioned that we should worship the guest, king, cow and Brahma.


The study of un-Islamic beliefs and practices — i.e. contradictory to Islam — has its own discipline in Islam called al-firaq or al-milal wal-nihal — i.e. heresiology and the study of sects and religious denominations — with well-known classics authored by major scholars such as al-Ash`ari, Abu Mansur al-Baghdadi, Ibn Hazm, al-Shahrastani and others. As an Islamic discipline it is therefore allowed to study other beliefs as long as one is firmly grounded in Islamic knowledge, otherwise not. As for studying un-Islamic beliefs and practices in the senses of practicing, promoting, or deriving a livelihood, then it is not permissible for a Muslim.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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