Habashis and Their Beliefs


Asalam Alaikum

Im writing you from Trinidad , a few months ago a person from Miami visited Trinidad for Mawlid , this person said hes from Abdullah Hariri’s movement etc now hes planning to return to Trinidad for the Meraj and spread some of his beliefs and thoughts.

While he was here for Mawlid he said – “The prophet is not noor” and “you cannot use the hadith about abu lahab punishment being lessen on mondays as a proof for mawlid”

What do the Habashis really believe ?
Who is Abdullah Hariri?



wa `alaykum salam,

`Abdullah al-Hariri was a scholar from Ethiopia, who was initially hosted in Sham by Grandshaykh `Abdullah al-Fa’iz ad-Daghestani (q). `Abdullah al-Hariri later founded an activist group in Lebanon. For details of their beliefs, see the ASFA webpage: Answer to the Ahbash accusations and at Naqshbandi.org:  “al-Ahbash“.

Taher Siddiqui

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