Is the Prophet (s) the Best of Creation?


Is there ijma` (scholarly consensus) that the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wasallam) is the “best of creation”?


Rather there is ijma` of Ahl al-Sunna, the Shi`a, the Mu`tazila, and the entire school of Muhammad b. `Abd al-Wahhab over the Prophet being the best of creation, breaching which there are only three scholars on record: Ibn Hazm al-Zahiri, the Mu`tazili al-Zamakhshari, and the mujassim Ibn Abi al-`Izz who was imprisoned for it as related by Ibn Hajar in his Inba’ al-Ghumr (1:258-260). Shaykh `Abd Allah al-Talidi said in his Tahdhib al-Shifa’ (p. 162): “The dissent of Ibn Hazm and al-Zamakhshari carries no weight.”

See The Prophetic Title “Best of Creation” at the ASFA website.

Hajj Gibril

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