Shafii questions about salat

As-Salam Alaykum,

I have changed from over 10 years as a Hanafi to Shafi madhaab for various reasons, socially & with in the  family. And this I have noticed has helped lower riya & arrogance as I  have had to now ask and learn all over again which has been great. I have Reliance of the Travler & Imam Nawawi al Maqsid which between the two can find most things that I need, but still sometimes I need finer details on somethings. So if I may I woud like to ask

  1. Is the sajdah sawf for Shafi the same as Hanafi?
  2. If one forgets to recite the adhkar between sajdah’s (allahumaghfili ……etc) is sajdah sawf needed?
  3. If one forgets to raise the arms at beginning of 3rd rakkat is sajdah sawf needed.
  4. My wife has major cognitive & learning issues and is almost impossible for her to memorize anything new.She is a smart woman but has severe learning troubles ( she is not retarded or the like).  Where the qunut is recited in fajir what is the absolute bare minimum she can say?

    5. In between sajdah’s what is the absoloute bare minimum she can
    say? (Is allahumaghfirli enough?

    6. What is the what is the absolute bare minimum she can say in replace of the istiftah?

Wa Min allahu Tawfiq , Fi Imaanullah , Barik Allahu Fiq, Allah Hafidh,
Love & respect.


`Alaykum Salam,

  1. In the Shafi`i Madhhab sajdat al-sahw is performed just before salam,
    otherwise it is the same, two sajdas then tashahhud then salam.
  2. No.
  3. No.
  4. “Astaghfirullah.”
  5. Yes.
  6. A`udhu billah min al-shaytan al-rajim.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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