Dream: Aniseed


Dear Respected staff and beloved Sheikhs
I have recently had a very upsetting time at home with my wife and have had to overcome news about her and a third person, Allah forgive us all our wrong doings. Although i am trying to forgive i have found it really hard and it is only dhikr that has saved me from going over the edge. I had a dream in which the person involved stood before me and asked for forgiveness. A stranger held out their hand and gave me 6 aniseed seeds. I asked why they didn’t give me 7 and they said because I’m not ready for it yet. What is the significance of the aniseeds?


The closer a person to Allah the greater the tests, such as the Prophets Nuh and Lut (upon them peace), therefore bear with patience and continue with dhikr. Forgiveness from the heart commands a heavy price but it is the highest station, to which you are near in sha Allah. Boiled aniseeds are used to wash the eyes and seeds thus signify purity and detachment from this world.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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