Dream: Conversation with Allah(SBUH)


As-salaamu Alaykoem(WRBT)
We make duah for Allah(SBUH) to grant Mawlana Shaykh Nazim excellent health and strength, Ameen.
I dreamt speaking to Allah(SBUH) about people who commit sins in their sleep. I know that the ruh is active in the dream state, are things you commit of a sinful nature recorded by the malaaikah, especially if you commit the same sin (sexual nature) often.


Alaykum Salam,

Amin, there is no such thing as sinning in sleep since Prophet upon him blessings and peace said the Pen of the Recording Angels is lifted at that time. Wet dream is shaytan affecting the person in their sleep and the way to protect oneself is to have wudu‘ before sleep and recite the dua of going to bed at that time: Allahumma anta al-Muhyi wal-Mumit, fa-amutu wa-ahya bika wa a`udhu bika wa ayna a`udhu illa bika, fa-ghfir li fa-innahu la yaghfiru al-dhunuba illa anta. Then Shahada x1. May also recite the last three Suras of Qur’an for extra protection.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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