Dream (French): marriage Shaykh Hicham


salam alaykoum

merci pour ce site et pour ce que vous faites.

Shaykh Hicham
j’ai rêvé que nous étions tous les deux dans ma cuisine et nous préparons a manger nous discutons et vous me dites d’allez parler avec votre fille qui est dans mon salon assise sur le canapé car vous vouliez que nous nous marions ce que j’ai fait mais après je me suis réveillé.
je suis un peu géne de poser une telle question pardonné moi

salam alaykoum


Thank you for this site and your work.

Dream: Shaykh Hisham, I dreamt that we were both in my kitchen and were preparing food and chatting, then you told me to go and talk with your daughter who was sitting on the sofa in my living room, which I did, as you wanted for us to get married, then I woke up. I feel awkward asking such a question, forgive me.


Alaykoum Salam,
La cuisine signifie la transmission du savoir spirituel et la proposition de mariage signifie votre proximité spirituelle aux Awliya.  Perséverez dans vos dévotions et qu’Allah Tres-Haut vous confere success dans ce monde et dans l’autre.


The kitchen signifies the transmission of spiritual knowledge and the marriage proposal signifies your spiritual nearness to Allah’s Awliya. Persevere in your devotions and may  Allah Most High grant you success here and hereafter.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

I dreamed we were together in my kitchen and we were getting ready to eat and we were discussing and you said to go speak with my daughter who was sitting in my living room on the sofa. Because you were willing that we were marrying and that is what I did. Then I woke up. I am very shy to ask such a question, forgive me.

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