Dream: of Maulana Syeikh Nazim


This happened about three years back. After I had taken bayyath through online from Maulana Syeikh Nazim, I had a dream. In my dream I saw Maulana Syeikh Nazim wearing black sufis attire with glowing face. I made hand shake and then I kiss his hand. After that Maulana Syeikh Nazim put his right hand on my back head and Said “Baarakallahu Fikum“. Then I woke up. Then, about two weeks ago, I dream about Maulana Syeikh Nazim again. In my dream, I encountering a female patient who is possessed by Jinn, at that time, I’m doing rabitah with Maulana Syeikh Nazim. During the rabitah, Maulana Syeikh Nazim came and told me to recite Allahu Allahu Allahu Haq………and then…the jinn burn and dead instantly. I Wonder, what’s the meaning of the dream. I’ve never meet Maulana Syeikh Nazim personally and for your acknowledgement, I come from Southeast Asia country. thank you.


a`udhu billah mina ‘sh-shaytani ‘r-rajeem,

Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem,

wa `alaykum salam,

The dreams are showing you the reality of your spiritual connection which you made with your baya`.  Keep your rabita and Mawlana’s support will continue to be with you.

Dr. Karim Tourk

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