Dreams interpretation


As salamun alaykum waramatullahi wabarakatuhu. May Allah continue to shower His everlasting blessings on you as we benefit immensely from your knowledge and spiritual guidance.
Please, I had a dream i saw that I was in Makkah and some pilgrims were trying to change money from me. One old woman brought a half burnt money which i refused. She later brought out something like a card with writings in green ink which look like a card that can be exchanged for money with a signature of the secretary for pilgrimage affairs. Please what are the meaning of these dreams as I am totally confused.
Jazakumullahu khayran.


Walaikumas Salam wa Rahmatullah
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Masha Allah. Glad tidings. Insha Allah you will visit Makka Shareef soon for pilgrimage. Make intention please.

This dream has many meanings. Makka Shareef symbolizes Islam or your spiritual guide (Murshed, Shaykh, Awlia Allah). This dream is educating you of a very important adab that is needed for you when you come in the presence of a Murshed, Awlia-Allah. This adab is essential to practice Islam. That is to refrain from vain talks of dunya that we do and become heedless. Old woman means dunya and burnt money means dirty vain talk. In this world vain talk and backbiting will always approach us, but we need to stay away from it. Since you refused the burnt money from the old lady, it means you will also in awake state refuse to engage in such activities.

Green means submission to Allah Subhanahu ta’la and ink means high rank and authority. The same old woman who gave you burnt money later giving you card in green ink means if you submit your dunya in the way of Allah for the sake of Allah alone, then you will achieve high rank in the Divine Presence of Allah Subhanahu Tala.

Syed Shahzaman

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