Dream: Giving birth in the bathroom


Dreamt I was about to sit on the toilet and I could see a baby’s head, my sister was there to.  I told her to call my husband. By the time she came back I pushed the baby out myself and sat on the toilet holding him in my arms. He was not crying just blinking so I knew the baby was alive. My husband had come whilst I was holding my baby but when he came into the bathroom I didn’t look up at my husband – I was just looking at baby.The baby looked like my son but the new baby I was told was a girl. After the birth in my dream I didn’t see any blood or experience any pain whatsoever. Also in reality my husband has divorced me in English law but not Islamically. So not sure if I am fully divorced.

The toilet means relief and this is confirmed by the birth of a baby girl, which signifies ease. Dream points to a new page insha-Allah. As for the second issue, if he manifested his intent to divorce you in no uncertain terms then yes, you are divorced Islamically.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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