Dream: God is Denied His Rights


Kindest teachers, a few months ago I emailed the Sufi Center in Berlin for interpretations of dreams I had. Recently, I had the following dream with advice that repeated itself. The first dream: I dreamt I was sitting at a table across Shaykh Ecref Efendi and that he tossed a cup of tea onto my right palm and then read my palm. He then told me (paraphrased): “There are three ways God’s rights are denied through you – one through the stomach, two through the feet, and three through the head (or mouth? I’m uncertain).” The second dream a few weeks later: I saw my mother dressed in black in a black room and she said to me: “God is denied his rights to you by your stomach, your feet, and your mouth.” This dream ended with a young man whispering the name ‘Owais’ to me before I woke up.


Denying God’s Right through the stomach is from overeating and backbiting; through the feet is through walking towards sin and walking away from goodness; through the  head is by hearing wrong, seeing wrong and speaking wrong.

‘Owais’ is a reference to the Uwaisi connection to a master who has passed on to the afterlife. About this Shaykh Hisham Kabbani wrote, in Classical Islam and the Naqshbandi Sufi Way:

In this form of spiritual transmission, the spirits meet in the world called `alam al-arwah (the world of spirits) which is beyond `alam al-ajsam (the material plane). Whoever takes knowledge through spirituality from a deceased Master in the Naqshbandi Way, is called both Uwaisi and Naqshbandi. That spiritual connection is as powerful and effective as the physical connection.

The sign of the Favor of Allah Almighty and Exalted on his servant is to authorize one of His saints to uplift that servant to the Divine Presence. That is why many saints who came in previous times were guides for those who came after through this spiritual (Uwaysi) connection. It is known that many saints have been under the guidance and training of prophets and other saints that lifted them up.

and Allah knows best.

Taher Siddiqui

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