Assalam Alaikum Wa Rehmatullah,
Respected Brother,
I have initiated my daily awrad from Naqshbandi.org and I am trying to perform all of the awrads after Maghrib till next day’s Maghrib and got some success. After 3rd day when I started doing my daily awrad (initiated) I saw a dream that I am walking on a road and on my side there is a mountain on it there are graves of different sizes, shapes and all where with the graves on the mountain there are trees with green leaves and I am walking and seeing that there are only graves on entire mountain and every where on that mountain covered with green trees from bottom to top. What does this mean? If its a good dream please interpret otherwise leave it.
Assalam Alaikum Wa Rehmatullah.
`Alaykum Salam,
The mountain is the arduous path that leads to nearness to Allah Most High through dhikr and obedience, the graves represent the death of bad characters which are in us in abundance, and the green trees and leaves represent the flowering of good manners that adorn the righteous servants of Allah. And Allah knows best.
Hajj Gibril Haddad