I was sitting in front of the Kaaba when the order came to empty it. I got up to go and saw that it was almost empty. Then I noticed two security personnel, one older and one younger making their way towards me. The younger one was nearer to me in distance and I knew they will imprison me at the Kaaba but I was not sad at all. I thought Alhamdulillah I’ll get to look at it and pray during my imprisonment which was for many years, as for my husband and children including my little baby, I needn’t worry for Allah will take better care than I. Then the younger looking security started to wave a large yellow handkerchief in-front of me. My heart and tongue kept rhythm to the motion by saying Allah, Allah. I woke up doing the same dhikr and it was all very real. On waking up my heart said that the older security was our beloved Sultanu-ulAwliya and the younger one was our lifeline, meded-ulHaq Qutubal Mutasarrif Mawlana Shaykh Hisham. May Allah raise their darajaat and bless them and their families with all kinds of happiness. Aameen. Thank you. May Allah help the e-shuyukh and give them and theirs ease. summAameen.
Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm:
It shows that through the guidance of Awliya’ullah you will empty your heart (represented in the dream by the Ka’aba) from anything else other than Allah (swt).
Mawlana Shaykh Hisham said about seeing the Ka’aba in dream:
Seeing Ka`ba in the dream means you are seeing the House of Allah swt and it means you are seeing and knowing the manifestation of Allah’s Light in your heart; as the heart of a mu’min is the house of Allah, as the Prophet (s) said.
And Allah knows best.